shall consist of at least eight members, including the elected Director of the Board.

The basic objectives of this board are

  1. to bring the Gospel to the unchurched, and account for them, and
  2. to enlist all of God's people in this congregation to the work of spreading the Gospel.

That the objectives of this Board may be carried out, the Board shall do the following:

Share with the Pastors what is being done in proclaiming the Gospel to the


Encourage prayer for evangelistic concern toward the unchurched.

Foster a climate of evangelism that encourages congregation members. informally and spontaneously, to share Christ with one another the backsliding and the unsaved.

Emphasize evangelism through an intensive every-member education program

Maintain an on going visitation program which offers people more than church membership but a saving relationship with Christ. work with others Boards to promote evangelism, such as:

  1. Ine Board of Public Relations for a program of community relations that identitles the congregation with the Gospel of Christ:
  2. The Board of Christian Education in child and vouth evangelism:
  3. The Board of Parish Fellowship in sponsoring dinners, fellowship nights, etc. to cultivate integration of new people;
  4. Encourage evangelism programs through all societies and auxiliary organizations;
  5. Serve as liaison for the Lutheran Laymen's League, and the Lutheran Women's Missionary League:

Promote and direct congregation-wide evangelism undertakings. such as:

Canvassing surrounding areas in search of the unchurched,

Be responsible to record, study and utilize the results.

Be responsible for follow-up visits,

Before beginning Adult Instruction Classes conduct special visits to invite prospective members to attend.

  1. Utilizing the evangelism potential of The Lutheran Hour, and other synodical or christan programs.
  2. Visiting those moving into the community,
  3. Referring to other churches members and prospects moving from the community,
  4. Developing programs for the reception, orientation, and integration of new members into the congregation.
    Grace Lutheren Church Constitution
