Prayer of the Church 2/23/2025
Prayer of the Church 2/16/2025
Prayer of the Church 1/26/2025
Prayer of the Church 1/19/2025
Prayer of the Church 12/1/2024
Thanksgiving eve Service 11/27/2024
Thanksgiving Prayer of the Church 11/27/2024
Prayer of the Church 11/17/2024
Prayer of the Church 11/10/2024
Prayer of the Church 11/3/2024
Reformation Service 10/31/2024
Prayer of the Church 10/27/2024
Prayer of the Church  5/12/24
Prayer of the Church  4/28/24
Easter Sunrise Service 3/31/24
Prayer of the Church  3/10/24
Prayer of the Church 2/11/2024
Prayer of the Church 2/14/2024
Prayer of the Church 11/3/2024
Reformation Service 10/31/2024
Prayer of the Church 10/27/2024
Prayer of the Church  5/12/24
Prayer of the Church  4/28/24
Easter Sunrise Service 3/31/24
Prayer of the Church  3/10/24