“The Lord God Is Manifested in the Incarnate Son”

January 5, 2025

AS WE GATHER:   The Feast of the Epiphany centers in the visit of the Magi from the East.  In that respect, it is a “Thirteenth Day” of Christmas; and yet, it also marks the beginning of a new liturgical season.  While Christmas has focused on the Incarnation of our Lord—that is, on God becoming flesh—the season of Epiphany emphasizes the manifestation or self-revelation of God in that same flesh of Christ.  For the Lord Himself has entered our darkness and rises upon us with the brightness of His true light (Is. 60:1-2).  He does so chiefly by His Word of the Gospel, which He causes to be preached within His Church on earth—not only to the Jews but also to Gentiles (Eph. 3:8-10).  As the Magi were guided by the promises of Holy Scripture to find and worship the Christ Child with His mother in the house (Matt. 2:5-11), so does He call disciples from all nations by the preaching of His Word, to find and worship Him within His Church (Is. 60:3-6.  With gold they confess His royalty; with incense, His deity; and with myrrh, His priestly sacrifice (Matt. 2:11).

Take a moment to notice the * at the beginning of various portions of the order of service. The * indicates the place where it is inappropriate to enter or leave the sanctuary because it marks a time of prayer or respect for the Word of the Lord. Please be considerate of others around you by honoring these notations.


Prayer & Preaching

Organ Prelude


Opening Hymn:   LSB 370  “What Child Is This”

Opening Versicles: LSB 260

Common Response:  LSB 260

Old Testament Canticle  LSB 261

Old Testament:   Isaiah 60:1-6    Pew Bible Page 1155

Epistle: Ephesians 3:1-12    Pew Bible Page 1820

*Holy Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12    Pew Bible Page 1497

Common Responsory: LSB 263

Catechism:  LSB 264

Sermon Hymn: LSB 395   “O Morning Star, How Fair and Bright”


Offertory LSB 192

Prayer of the Church

Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs.

Holy God, eternal Light, the darkness of sin covers the earth and its peoples. Let the light of the Gospel lead us to Him who was born King of the Jews. Give us humble and grateful hearts that bow down and worship Him and willingly offer the most precious gifts we have to give. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

From distant lands and far off places, You gather a people to bear Your name and live in the light of Your Word. Bless the Church, that she may be united in doctrine, live in harmony and peace, and labor to bring the light of Christ to those still dwelling in darkness and death. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

You have established Your Church and drawn into her people from every race, tribe and nation. Bless those entrusted with the leadership of the Church. Give to all pastors and missionaries the boldness of Your Spirit, that they may proclaim the saving truth of Your Word without fear. Bless those who hear, that they may be brought to faith. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy God, eternal Light, the psalmist begged that You would endow the king with Your justice. Grant the same gift to the leaders of our nation and every nation. Fill them with wisdom, compassion and care so that, unlike Herod, they would seek to uphold life and watch over the welfare of the governed. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Give to all people the comfort of Your presence, healing according to Your will, relief in suffering, and an end to the terrors of mind and heart. We pray those in the bulletin and those we name in our hearts. Sustain the weary with Your Word, the wounded with hope and the dying with peace. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

May Your light shine on us and bring forth the fruits of repentance in our daily lives. Give us confidence in Your Word, that we would embrace Your holy will without fear. Hear and answer us, we pray, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

*Lord’s Prayer                              


Leader: O God,

People: by the leading of a star You made known Your only-begotten Son to the Gentiles.  Lead us, who know You by faith, to enjoy in heaven the fullness of Your divine presence; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Collect for the Word:  LSB 265

Morning Prayer: LSB 266

New Testament Canticle  LSB 266

*Blessing:   LSB 267

Closing Hymn:          LSB 390    “Let Us All with Gladsome Voice”



Worship Leader/Preacher Pastor Justin D. Kane

Organist Mr. Ignatius Hasselbrook

Worship Elder      Mr. Jon Champion

Lay Reader Mr. Jon Champion

Greeter Steve and Arleen Block

Door Greeter Mr. Brian Williams


Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church

1024 West Eighth Street, Waterloo Iowa


