March 2, 2025

WELCOME! We praise God for giving us the ability to worship in fellowship today! Please remember that if you wish to social distance there is room, if you want or need to wear a mask we will support you. 

Please sign the registration books that are in the pews, please pass them to the next person.  If you are worshipping from home and watching on Facebook please leave a comment (even if it is just Hi), it would be appreciated.

CORRECTION ON THE GRACE GREETINGS CALENDAR  If you noticed on the March Calendar that we are having Holy Communion every Wednesday and were excited, sorry.  The only Holy Communion is on March 5th which is Ash Wednesday, the other Wednesdays are regular services for Lent.

OUR REDEEMER’S SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE DAY is Tuesday, March 4th The cost is $7.00 and Children under 5 years will be free. Serving time will be 4:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Our Redeemer Lutheran Church 904 Bluff St. Cedar Falls, IA

GIVING STATEMENTS Are available on the table in the office hallway.  If you would like to have your statement mailed to you please let the office know.  Thank you for your patience in getting the information to you this year.

FELLOWSHIP TIME Please join us in the Hillmer Center following the service today and enjoy a sweet treat and coffee or juice, Bible Study will start at 10:30 am and we are studying the minor prophets.


FLOWER CHART is now posted in the Narthex if you are wanting to bring fresh flowers to the sanctuary.  Please let me know if this is to celebrate a special occasion, remembrance of someone, or if you just want it to God’s Glory.  The cost is $37.

FROM THE PIE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Due to the increase in price of the ingredients used to make the pies we have raised our prices also.  The 9” pies are now $9 and the 5” pies are $5.  Thank you for understanding and supporting us all the time.

THE CADDS SURVEY  today is the last day to get your survey entered into the system so please make sure you either do it on the computer or phone by midnight.  If you ae doing a paper survey they need to be turned in this morning.  Thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey.  We will see what comes next.

ASH WEDNESDAY WITH HOLY COMMUNION is this Wednesday.  There will be church services at 11 am and 6:30 pm.  We will have a light supper starting at 5:30 pm, If you are wanting to help make this possible let the office know.  Two of the meals covered. What a wonderful way to spend an evening by coming to eat and you will have some great company along with some great food.  This week the youth are serving and the menu is Ziti pasta, garlic bread, salad, dessert and drinks.

LWML PRAYER SERVICE Saturday March 8th at 9 am at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Reinbeck is the Prayer Service.  There will be a light breakfast at 8:30 with the service at 9.  Ingathering is Hope for the Destitute, an African orphanage in Kenya.  The mission project is Blankets for Valley.

ALTERNATIVES PREGNANCY CENTER Save the date of Thursday May 1st for the annual banquet.  If you would like to be a table host check out the poster in the narthex and the main hallway for more information.

A LIFE QUOTE “God sent His Son to save us, not because we asked, but because He loves us. God wants you to call on Him, not because He needs the information, and not just because He wants to rescue you from distress. He wants to rescue you for a new life, for a life of trusting that He wants to hear from you, of living with His Word inside you, a life responding with God’s love to others in their distress, even before they call.” Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, The Lutheran Hour – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •          “Hurting from abortion? Word of Hope can help.; 888.217.8679.”

BUILDING HEALTHY FAMILIES : Parents, grandparents and pew buddies—the season of Lent is one of repentance, a turning away from our sins and the things that take our focus off Jesus. When we repent, we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, making this a fitting time to focus on confession and absolution in the worship service. For younger children, explain that this is the part of the service where we tell God we’re sorry for the things we’ve done wrong and encourage a simple, “I’m sorry, God.” At home, take time as a family to read and discuss the words we and the pastor use during this part of the service (be sure to take home a bulletin or ask if you can borrow a hymnal for a few days, if you don’t have one). Once you have confessed your sins, don’t forget to help children listen for God’s words of forgiveness in the absolution! Lutheran Family Service     (515.573.3138 and

MEMORY VERSE CHALLENGE - This week the verse is:         Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

CATECHESIS – This week for those using the Catechism Study Guide you should be on the following page number according to what year you are doing.

Year 1 is page 19                 Year 2 is page 78                               Year 3 is page 137;



Grace Food Pantry

Anyone wishing to donate to the Grace Food Pantry, these are the top items needed:

Top Needs --Hair conditioner, body wash, deodorant (men & women), canned veggies (no baked beans), ramen noodles, hamburger helper Pancake mix, syrup, stick butter, spaghetti sauce and noodles, peanut butter and 32 oz. juice. Also we are in need of empty egg cartons that are for a dozen eggs.

We can always use money too. The committee would like to thank all those who have given generously to the Grace Food Pantry!

Anyone needing assistance with the Grace Food Pantry please contact either the church office or one of the following people: Nancy McHone or Judy DePaepe. Anyone interested in helping with the food pantry please contact the office or the people listed.


Spring Musical, Rock Slinger, and His Greatest Hit, performances on Friday, March 28th, @ 6:30 and Saturday, March 29th @ 2:00 pm. 

Crusader Knight- April 25th at 6 pm at the Hilton Garden Inn in Cedar Falls. Mrs. Scheele is looking for items to be auctioned off that night during the silent and live auction. If you have anything that would benefit Valley’s auction please contact Shay by calling Valley at 319-266-4565 or drop by and see her :) 

ONLINE GIVING We now have the option of online giving available on our website:   You will  enter a secure site and can setup weekly or one time gifts to your regular giving or to special funds like the building repair fund. Giving can be setup with either a credit card or your bank account.  You can create an account that will remember your information for future use. This is a very secure site so you can setup giving with confidence that your information will be safe.

You can also setup giving using an app on a cell phone. Just search for Vanco in your App Store.  Using this you will need to create an account with your information to allow the app to communicate with Vanco.

Luke 18:35 – “As he drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.” Who is not a beggar? All that we have is a gift of God. We are all beggars before Him. Knowing this can leave us with nothing but thankfulness in our hearts. And this thankful acknowledgment of all the Lord’s gifts is also what forms the basis of our own generous giving.

The following events have been planned for this week.


9:00 a.m.  Worship  Sanctuary

10:15 a.m. Fellowship Hillmer Center

10:30 a.m. Bible Hour/Sunday School Hillmer Center/upper level


10:00 a.m. Fellowship Board meets Kitchen

6:00 p.m. Exercise Library

7:00 p.m. Board meetings Hillmer Center


8:30 a.m. Sewing Ladies  Rm !7

11:00 a.m. Ash Wednesday/Holy Comm.  Sanctuary

5:00 p.m. Catechesis  Kitchen

5:15 p.m. Choir practice  Music Room

5:30 p.m. Supper  Hillmer Center

6:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday/Holy Comm. Sanctuary


9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study  Hillmer Center

6:00 p.m. Exercise   Library

NEXT SUNDAY:         

9:00 a.m. Worship w/Holy Comm. Sanctuary

10:15 a.m. Fellowship  Hillmer Center

10:30 a.m. Bible Hour/Sunday School Hillmer Center/upper level

Check the Grace Greetings for the next activity.
